AdminLTE - Open-Source Django Starter
This article presents AdminLTE Django, an open-source Django Dashboard crafted by AppSeed on top of the latest stable version of AdminLTE, an iconic Material UI design. The product, available for download on Github under the MIT License, has been updated recently to use the latest Django version (3.2.6 LTS) plus SASS files compilation and Docker scripts update.
AdminLTE Django - product page (contains DEMO and sources)
The most simple way to get the product up & running in a local environment is to use the Docker setup as presented by the official product documentation and README file (saved on Github).
Step #1 - Download the sources from the product page
$ unzip
$ cd django-dashboard-adminlte
Step #2 - Start AdminLTE Django in Docker
$ docker-compose pull
$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose up
Once all commands are executed we should see this simple Django dashboard running in the browser:
AdminLTE - Charts Page
Product Features
This new release of AdminLTE Django comes with an important update regarding the dependencies and also other (less) important but useful features:
- Dependencies Update: latest Django 3.2.6 LTS
- SASS compilation scripts via Gulp
- Docker - improved scripts
- Codebase refactoring for an easier maintenance
- Free support via Discord and Github (issues tracker)
Thanks for reading! For more resources please access:
- AdminLTE Django - LIVE Demo
- More Django Dashboards - provided by AppSeed
- Open-Source Admin Dashboards - a curated list with starters