App Generator - Latest UI Kits and evolutions
Latest UI kist integrated into AppSeed Generator - Flexy Bootstrap Lite and MaterialPro Lite.

Hello coders! This article presents the latest UI Kits integrated into AppSeed and also explains how to generate a simple dashboard and later deploy the project on HEROKU, a popular deployment automation platform. For newcomers, AppSeed
is a platform that generates production-ready
starters in different frameworks and patterns on top of modern UI Kits. Thanks for reading!
- 👉 Flexy Dashboard Lite - design provided by
- 👉 MaterialPRO Lite - simple, yet beautiful dashboard design
- 👉 Generate and Deploy a Flask Dashboard to HEROKU - yTube Video
✨ Flexy Admin Lite
This design comes with a colorful, lightweight design, sample pages a permissive (MIT) license. The template version is provided by WrapPixel
and is available for download on the official product page (requires authentication).
How to generate a dashboard on top of Flexy using AppSeed
Step #1
- Access the generator page-
Step #2
- Select your preferred backend (Flask or Django) Step #3
- Configure the project (database and deployment layer)Step #4
- Generate and download the code
The generated code is available for download as a ZIP archive but also saved on Github (a public repository) for later use. Â

The 2nd design ready to be used in the generator is the popular MaterialPro Lite (design provided by WrapPixel
✨ MaterialPRO Lite
WrapPixel's MaterialPro Bootstrap Lite is one of the best Bootstrap templates for admin dashboards and control admin panels. Inspired by Google Material design principles and integrated with the essential Bootstrap components and UI elements, this design provides a beautiful yet simple design and pre-built sample pages.
In order to generate a new project on top of MaterialPro Lite
design, please access the generator page, configure the project and download the code.

✨ Generate and Deploy to HEROKU
This video published on Youtube explains how to use the generator to build a new Flask Dashboard on top of Datta Able design, download the sources from Github and deploy the project using HEROKU, a popular deployment platform.
Thanks for reading! For more resources and support, please access:
- ✨ More Free Dashboards crafted in Django, Flask, and React
- ✨ More Admin Dashboards - a huge index with products