AppSeed Shell - A simple way to generate products

This article presents AppSeed-Shell, the latest tool released by our team to help developers generate dashboards and starters using a Python terminal. The product is open-source and curious minds can take a look at how it works on Github (public repository).  Thanks for reading!

Here is the basic usage to generate a simple Django Dashboard using the Python terminal:

Step #1 - Install the appseed-shell package

$ pip install appseed-shell
AppSeed-Shell - Install the package

Step #2 - Start a Python Shell, import the package and use it

$ python
>>> from appseed_shell import generate_django
>>> generate_django()
AppSeed Shell - Generate a simple dashboard

The user should provide a few answers like project_name, author name and gets the code at the end.

AppSeed-Shell is a simple wrapper over a Django Dashboard built under cookie-cutter, the well-known command-line utility used to generate projects from templates.

Another way to generate the same product is to use the cookie-cutter tool directly:

$ cookiecutter
$ # Input 
$ project_name [Django Seed project]:
$ project_slug [django_seed_project]:
$ description [A simple Django project]:
$ author_name [AppSeed]: test_user
$ domain_name []: localhost
$ email []:
$ version [0.0.1]: 
Generate Dashboard via Cookie-Cutter

In the end, we can change the directory to django_seed_project and follow the build instructions as provided by the README file:

$ # Virtualenv modules installation (Unix based systems)
$ virtualenv env
$ source env/bin/activate
$ # Install modules - SQLite Storage
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
$ # Create tables
$ python makemigrations
$ python migrate
$ # Start the application (development mode)
$ python runserver
Build the Generated Template

If all goes well, we should see a nice Django dashboard running in the browser:

AppSeed-Shell - Generated Product

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