Bootstrap 5 Material Dashboard - Free Resources
A curated list with Material Dashboard starters crafted on top of Bootstrap 5 framework - all products are available on Github under permissive licenses.

This article presents a short-list with open-source projects crafted on top of a pixel-perfect Bootstrap 5 design that might help programmers code hobby and commercial dashboards without an initial investment. Material Dashboard, a popular dashboard template crafted by Creative-Tim, has been updated recently to Bootstrap 5 and a new fresh look inspired by Google's Material Design 2. Thanks for reading!
- ✨ Material Dashboard - product page (template version)
- ✨ Material Dashboard Django - product page
- ✨ Material Dashboard Flask - product page

For newcomers, Material Dashboard is an open-source product with 280k downloads and ~10k stars on Github released 5years ago by the Creative-Tim agency. Since the beginning, the beautiful material-based design and the permissive license boosted quickly the product in the open-source ecosystem. Once the Bootstrap 5 has reached a stable state, the product has been updated to use the latest features provided by Bootstrap plus more pages and a complete UI redesign.
Product Features:
- Built with Bootstrap 5
- Tooling via Gulp for assets management
- New pages: SignIN, SignUP, VR, and Billing

Bootstrap 5 Material Dashboard - Billing Page

This modern design can be also used in Flask and Django, two popular and trendy Python frameworks. Both products are free and actively supported by AppSeed.
✨ Material Dashboard Django
The codebase comes with up-to-date
dependencies, database, session-based authentication, and Docker support for easier deployment. For those familiar with Docker, the product can be compiled and started in a local environment with a few commands typed in the terminal. Let's try to start the project without leaving this page.
Step #1 - Clone the sources from Github
$ git clone
$ cd django-dashboard-material
Step #2 - Start in Docker
$ docker-compose pull # download dependencies
$ docker-compose build # execute local set up
$ docker-compose up -d # start the app in Docker
If all goes well, we should see Material Dashboard 2 running in the browser. Once we register a new user and sign in, all private pages become accessible.

✨ Material Dashboard Flask
Flask version of Material Dashboard 2 can be also downloaded and used from Github without a registration lock. The features provided by this simple seed project are quite similar to the Django version: up-to-date
dependencies, SQLite, Flask-Migrate, Blueprints, and Docker support. For build instructions feel free to access the Github repository or the official documentation:
- 👉 Flask Dashboard Material - product page
- 👉 Flask Dashboard Material - product documentation

Thanks for reading! For more resources, please access:
- 👉 Free Admin Dashboards - index provided by AppSeed
- 👉 Free Templates - index hosted by Creative-Tim