Dashkit PRO - Jinja Template
A modern Bulma CSS design is now available for download as a Jinja Template - Dashkit Dashboard designed by CssNinja.

This article presents a new product crafted on top of Bulma and Flask - Dashkit PRO Jinja. This commercial product (designed by CssNinja) comes with a beautiful design, pre-built pages and a reusable set of components and widgets. For newcomers Jinja is a popular template engine for Python able to generate HTML or XMl files dynamically.
- Jinja Dashkit PRO - LIVE demo
- Jinja Dashkit PRO - product documentation
- Flask Dashkit PRO - product page

Design Features
Handcrafted UI - Dashkit is not another generic template. It has a strong personality and is built with the Bulma CSS framework.
Modular Code - Dashkit's code is modular and lets you easily add and remove elements, to match your business specifications.
Solid Layouts -Multiple and different layouts are available to kickstart your app, like Chat, CRM and analytics products.
Product Screens
Dashkit is provided with many pre-built pages like analytics pages, social feed, user profile page and authentication pages.
Dashkit - Widgets Page

Dashkit - BillboardJS Charts

Dashkit - User Profile Page.

Thanks for reading! For more resources, please access:
- Bulma Css - the official website
- More Bulma Css Starters provided by AppSeed