Django Dynamic DataTables - Widget Mode (free tool)

Hello! The video mentioned in this article showcases the latest features of Django Dynamic Services, an open-source starter that provides two services: an API Generator and Data Table Widget both managed without coding efforts. Here are the libraries used in this starter (also free):

During the demonstration, the started is downloaded locally and started via Docker. Once the features are explained, the models are updated with new fields and the newly generated code is tested again.

Dynamic Data Tables - Widget ModeΒ 

The information from any model defined in the project is manageable in the data table view (dynamically created) and via the generated API.

Dynamic DataTables UI

Once the user creates new items, the same information can be consumed using the API service.

Dynamic API Service

The generated API uses a security policy where the GET requests are available without authentication and all other requests (CREATE, UPDATE, Delete) are protected by JWT tokens (reserved for authenticated users).

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