Django - Popular Shell Commands
A curated list with popular shell commands for Django to boost your productivity and preparation for going LIVE.

Hello! For newcomers, Django is a high-level Python web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. It's widely used for building web applications due to its simplicity, flexibility, and extensive documentation.
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The SHELL commands mentioned in this article aim to help developers code their projects faster and gain more control during the whole process from configuration, and DB access to LIVE deployment. Thanks for reading!
👉 shell
$ python shell
Opens up a Python shell with Django's environment loaded, allowing you to interactively execute Python code within the context of your Django project.
👉 dbshell
$ python dbshell
Opens up a Python shell with Django's environment loaded, allowing you to interactively execute Python code within the context of your Django project.
👉 startproject <project_name>
$ python startproject MyDjangoProject
Creates a new Django project with the specified name.
👉 startapp <app_name>
$ python startapp MyNewApp
Creates a new Django app within your project, with the specified name.
👉 runserver
$ python runserver
Starts the development server, allowing you to run your Django project locally for testing and development purposes.
👉 createsuperuser
$ python createsuperuser
Creates a new superuser account for accessing the Django admin interface.
👉 makemigrations
$ python makemigrations
Generates database migration files based on changes you've made to your models.
👉 migrate
$ python migrate
Applies database migrations, updating your database schema to match the changes in your models.
👉 inspectdb
$ python inspectdb
Auto-generates Django models by introspecting a legacy database, which is useful when integrating Django into a project with a pre-existing database.
👉 createsuperuser
$ python createsuperuser
Creates a new superuser account for accessing the Django admin interface.
👉 collectstatic
$ python collectstatic
Collects static files from your Django apps into a single location for deployment.
👉 test
$ python test
Runs tests for your Django project, including any tests you've written using Django's testing framework.
👉 showmigrations
$ python showmigrations
Displays a list of all migrations and their status (applied or not applied).
👉 dumpdata
$ python dumpdata
Creates a JSON or YAML representation of the data in your database (aka backups).
👉 loaddata <fixture>
$ python loaddata INPUT_FILE
Loads data from a fixture file into your database.
👉 sqlflush
$ python sqlflush
Generates SQL to delete all data from the database (useful for resetting the database during development).
👉 check
$ python check
Check for any issues with your Django project, such as syntax errors, potential problems, and deployment readiness.
👉 sendtestemail
$ python sendtestemail
Test the email delivery using the address specified in your settings, verifying that the project configuration is correct.
👉 changepassword
$ python changepassword <username>
This command allows to update the password for the user via the CLI.
👉 diffsettings
$ python diffsettings
Displays differences between the current settings file and Django's default settings.
👉 shell_plus
$ python shell_plus
Opens an enhanced Python shell with additional features provided by third-party packages like IPython and Django extensions.
👉 runscript
$ python runscript
Executes a Python script within the context of your Django project.
Knowing and using these Django commands might improve our development workflow, by allowing more efficient project management and debugging. The mentioned command offers unique benefits in different contexts like setting up the initial project, adding new applications, managing the database, and critical checks before going LIVE.
Thanks for reading! For more resources, feel free to access:
- 👉 AppSeed, a platform already used by 8k registered developers
- 👉 Build apps with Django App Generator (free service)