Flask Argon BS5 PRO

Hello! This article mentions the latest Flask Dashboard released by AppSeed which uses Argon Dashboard, a premium BS5 design from Creative-Tim. The product comes with a simple and intuitive codebase, Docker and CI/CD support, authentication flow (including changing passwords), and a pixel-perfect Bootstrap 5 design. Thanks for reading!

This Dashboard is coming with pre-built examples, so the development process is seamless, switching from our pages to the real website is very easy to be done.

Argon 2 PRO Flask - Automotive Page

The starter can be started without much effort using Docker a single command typed in the terminal:

$ docker-compose up --build

Once the above command finishes the execution, the app should be accessible in the browser:

Argon 2 PRO Flask - Smart Home Page

Regarding the design, Argon 2 is built using a new UI framework structure that permits rapid prototyping and fast development.

The UI Kit provides 300+ individual components, 50+ pages, and a pixel-perfect layout on all devices.

Argon 2 PRO Flask - VR Page

Example Pages - If you want to get inspiration or just show something directly to your clients, you can jump-start your development with our pre-built example pages.

Argon 2 PRO Flask - eCommerce Page

Thanks for reading! For more resources, feel free to access: