Flask Dashboard - Open-Source and Free

The article presents a curated list with admin dashboards, coded in Flask Web Framework and released under a permissive license by the publishers.

Flask Dashboard - Open-Source and Free

Thank you for landing on this page. The article presents a curated list with admin dashboards, coded in Flask Web Framework and released under a permissive license by the publishers. All projects are generated by the AppSeed service using a semi-automated process:

  • Flat HTML themes (bootstrap based) are parsed and transformed into production-ready Jinja2 templates (the native Flask template engine) using an HTML Parser
  • The processed design is injected into an existing boilerplate enhanced with SQLite database, SqlAlchemy helpers and basic tooling.
  • A minimum set of tests is automatically executed

Flask (for newcomers)

Flask (source code) is a Python web framework built with a small core and modularity in mind. With a small footprint, well documented and supported by a growing community, Flask can be a good choice to implement on top a nice production-ready Admin Dashboard.

Setup the environment

In order to use the boilerplates, we need Python and Flask installed on the workstation. The Python can be downloaded from the official website and Flask can be easily added using PIP command:

$ # Test the Python install 
$ python --version
$ Python 3.7.2

$ # install Flask using PIP
$ pip install Flask 

In order to build the dashboards, please follow the instructions listed in the README files. let's go!

Flask Dashboard Black

Open-Source and Free admin dashboard with Black Design coded in Flask. Dashboard features:

  • SQLite database, SQLAlchemy ORM
  • Session based authentication flow (login, register)
  • Static Build via Frozen-Flask
  • MIT License
Flask Dashboard Black - Open-source staretr

To build this dashboard from sources, we need to type just a few lines of code:

$ # clone the sources
$ git clone https://github.com/app-generator/flask-black-dashboard.git
$ cd flask-black-dashboard
$ # install modules using a virtualenv
$ virtualenv --no-site-packages env
$ source env/bin/activate
$ python app.py
$ # app is running on port 5000

If all goes well, this beautiful Flask Dashboard should be visible in your browser.

Flask Dashboard Adminator

Open-Source Admin Dashboard with Adminator Design coded in Flask. Dashboard features:

Flask Adminator

Flask Dashboard Now UI

Open-Source and Free admin dashboard with Now UI Design coded in Flask. Dashboard features:

  • SQLite database, SQLAlchemy ORM
  • Session based authentication flow (login, register)
  • Static Build via Frozen-Flask
  • MIT License
Flask Now UI - Open-source Starter.

In case you want to build from sources, just type in a terminal window:

$ # clone the sources
$ git clone https://github.com/app-generator/flask-now-ui-dashboard.git
$ cd flask-now-ui-dashboard
$ # install modules using a virtualenv
$ virtualenv --no-site-packages env
$ source env/bin/activate
$ python app.py
$ # app is running on port 5000

Flask Material Dashboard

Open-Source and Free admin dashboard with Material Design coded in Flask. Dashboard features:

  • SQLite database, SQLAlchemy ORM
  • Session based authentication flow (login, register)
  • Static Build via Frozen-Flask
  • MIT License
Flask Material Dashboard

Flask Dashboard Star Admin

Flask Dashboard Star Admin is crafted on top of Bootstrap and released as an open-source web application. Included batteries: SQLite database, SQLAlchemy ORM, and basic authentication (Login, Register).

Flask Dashboard Star Admin - Free Dashboard Coded in Flask.
Flask Star Admin

We can easily build this dashboard by typing a few lines of code:

$ # clone the sources
$ git clone https://github.com/app-generator/flask-dashboard-staradmin.git
$ cd flask-dashboard-staradmin
$ # install modules using a virtualenv
$ virtualenv --no-site-packages env
$ source env/bin/activate
$ python app.py
$ # app is running on port 5000

Please visit your browser on port 5000. Star Admin dashboard should be up & running.

Flask Dashboard AdminLTE

Open-Source Admin Dashboard with AdminLTE Design coded in Flask. Dashboard features:

  • SQLite database, SQLAlchemy ORM
  • Session based authentication flow (login, register)
  • Static Build via Frozen-Flask
Flask AdminLTE

Dashboards Resources