Flask Pixel Lite - CI,CD / Open-Source Starter

This material explains how to Go LIVE in minutes with Pixel Bootstrap 5, a popular Flask starter enhanced with database, authentication, DB Tools, and CI,CD flow via Render.

Flask Pixel Lite - Open-source Starter
Flask Pixel Lite - Open-source Starter

Hello! The video mentioned in this article presents the latest features added to Pixel Lite, a popular open-source starter crafted on top of Flask and Bootstrap 5. In the latest version, the product comes with improvements on the database layer and also with a usable CI/CD flow that makes the product deployable in minutes without effort or configuration. Thanks for reading!

For newcomers, Pixel is a free and open-source Bootstrap 5 UI Kit featuring over 80 fully coded UI elements and example pages that will help you prototype and build a website for your next project designed by Themesberg.

Flask Pixel BS5 - Go LIVE on Render

✨ Video Transcript

  • ✅ Access the Sources (public repository)
  • ✅ Present the project structure and modules
  • ✅ Fork the project
  • ✅ Deploy the project on Render
Flask Pixel BS5 - Sign IN Page (crafted by AppSeed)
Flask Pixel BS5 - Sign IN Page 

👉 Flask Pixel BS5 - UI Components
Flask Pixel BS5 - Components Page (crafted by AppSeed)
Flask Pixel BS5 - Components Page

👉 Flask Pixel BS5 - Hero Section (about)
Flask Pixel BS5 - About (hero section), crafted by AppSeed.
Flask Pixel BS5 - About (hero section)

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