Flask Pixel PRO - OAuth, Extended Profiles

Premium Flask Starter enhanced with OAuth (Github & Twitter), Extended User Profiles, Self-Deletion option and Docker Support

Flask Pixel PRO - A short-list with the latest features
Flask Pixel PRO - A short-list with the latest features 

Hello! This article presents Pixel Bootstrap 5, a premium Flask seed project recently updated to support OAuth for Twitter and Github, Extended user profiles, and improved Docker support. The source code can be used to prototype fast a new product or simply for eLearning activities. For newcomers, Flask is a leading backend framework used to code from simple one-page websites to APIs or complex eCommerce solutions.  Thanks for reading!

Pixel Bootstrap 5 - Presentation Cover (premium Flask starter)
Pixel Bootstrap 5 - Presentation Cover (premium Flask starter)

✨ Product Highlights

Pixel Pro is a premium Bootstrap 5 UI Kit without jQuery featuring over 1000 components, 50+ sections, and 35 example pages including a fully-fledged user dashboard.

  • ✅ Modern stack: Flask & Bootstrap 5
  • ✅ Database, Authentication, DB Tools
  • ✅ OAuth for Github & Twitter
  • ✅ Extended User profiles

The product can be started in a local environment using the Docker setup shipped with the sources via a single line typed in the terminal.

$ docker-compose up --build  

Once the above command is finished, the app should be up & running in the browser.

Pixel Bootstrap 5 - SignIN Page (OAuth via Github)
Pixel Bootstrap 5 - SignIN Page (OAuth via Github)

✨ OAuth via Github & Twitter

This authentication method is optional and becomes active once the app detects the OAuth secrets in the .env file. For instance, if GITHIB_ID and GITHUB_SECRETS are provided, on the Sign IN page the Github authenticator becomes visible.

👉 Access the LIVE demo and see how it works

✨ Extended Users Profile

In this version, the registered users are able to save their information, and also delete their accounts (action requires confirmation).

Pixel Bootstrap 5 - User Profile Page (OAuth via Github)
Pixel Bootstrap 5 - User Profile Page (OAuth via Github)

Flask Pixel PRO - User eCommerce Items
Pixel Bootstrap 5 - User Items (OAuth via Github)
Pixel Bootstrap 5 - User Items (OAuth via Github)

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