Jinja Templates - Simple Dashboard Starters

This article presents a few Jinja Templates recently updated that might help beginners (and not only) to start and code a commercial product much faster. All starters mentioned in this article are generated and active supported by AppSeed. For newcomers, Jinja is a modern and designer-friendly templating language for Python, modeled after Django’s templates. It is fast, widely used, and secure with the optional sandboxed template execution environment.  Thanks for reading!

Jinja - Official Banner.

Jinja is basically an engine used to generate HTML or XML returned to the user via an HTTP response. For those who have not been exposed to a templating language before, such languages essentially contain variables as well as some programming logic, which when evaluated (or rendered into HTML) are replaced with actual values.

Soft UI Dashboard Jinja

Open-source Jinja Template built on top of Soft UI Dashboard, a modern Bootstrap 5 design from Creative-Tim. The project might help beginners to code simple dashboards on top of the existing codebase OR migrate the production-ready UI to a legacy Python-based project compatible with Jinja Template Engine: Flask, Django, Bottle of FastAPI.

Jinja Template - Soft UI Dashboard.

Jinja Paper Dashboard

Paper Dashboard 2 is a beautiful Bootstrap 4 admin dashboard with a large number of components, designed to look neat and organized. If you are looking for a tool to manage and visualize data about your business, this dashboard is the thing for you. It combines colors that are easy on the eye, spacious cards, beautiful typography, and graphics.

Jinja Template - Paper Dashboard.

Jinja Material Dashboard

Material Dashboard is a free Material Bootstrap 4 Admin with a fresh, new design inspired by Google's Material Design. We are very excited to introduce our take on the material concepts through an easy-to-use and beautiful set of components. Material Dashboard was built over the popular Bootstrap 4 framework and it comes with a couple of third-party plugins redesigned to fit in with the rest of the elements.

Jinja Template - Material Dashboard.

Jinja Light Bootstrap

Light Bootstrap Dashboard is bootstrap 4 admin dashboard template designed to be beautiful and simple. It is built on top of Bootstrap 4 and it is fully responsive. It comes with a big collections of elements that will offer you multiple possibilities to create the app that best fits your needs. It can be used to create admin panels, project management systems, web applications backend, CMS or CRM.

Jinja Template - Light Bootstrap.

Jinja Argon Dashboard

Argon Dashboard is built with over 100 individual components, giving you the freedom of choosing and combining. Using this free dashboard template you might save a lot of time going from prototyping to full-functional code because all elements are implemented. This Dashboard is coming with pre-built examples, so the development process is seamless, switching from our pages to the real website is very easy to be done.

Jinja Template - Argon Dashboard.

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