flask Flask VOLT Pro #Updated Premium Flask starter crafted on top of Volt Design, updated with CI/CD scripts, improved Docker support an other UI/UX enhancements.
django (VIDEO) Django And Docker - Volt Dashboard This video material explains how to start Volt Dashboard, a premium Django Starter, using Docker Virtualization Software.
django Django Volt PRO - OAuth, Extended Profiles, Tasks & Transaction Module Latest evolutions of Django Volt: OAuth, extended users profile, Tasks module - premium starter built on top of Bootstrap5
volt-dashboard Flask Volt PRO - Extended User Profile, Admin ROLE Latest evolutions of Flask Volt PRO: extended profile for users, ADMIN role, improved authentication - Premium Starter.
app-generator Volt Dashboard - Generate a Flask Codebase in no-time Learn how to generate a simple Flask Codebase on top of modern Bootstrap 5 Design using Volt App Generator.
django Dashboard Volt - Free Django 4 Template A popular dashboard seed project recently updated to Django 4 (the latest version). The product can be downloaded from Github under the MIT license.
django Django Volt Dashboard PRO - Product Update Django Volt PRO, a popular seed project crafted by AppSeed is now updated to use the latest UI version.
admin-dashboards Product Update - Volt Bootstrap 5 (all related starters) A curated list with resources and starters generated by AppSeed on top of Volt Dashboard, a modern Bootstrap 5 template.