React Django - Soft Dashboard (Free Product)

This article presents an open-source full-stack product crafted on top of Soft UI Dashboard design concept using React as the frontend technology and Django Framework for the backend logic. The source code, available for download on Github, can be used as a starting point for a new end-product or simply for eLearning projects by students and beginners. For newcomers, React is a super-popular Javascript library for coding user interfaces backed by Facebook. Thanks for reading!

Django React Soft Dashboard - Free Product

✨ Product Features

This full-stack ready sed product comes with a few useful features out-of-the-box that might help beginners, and not only, to code and deliver faster a new end-product using modern technologies.

  • Modern UI - Soft React Dashboard, crafted by Creative-Tim
  • JWT Authentication Flow - Login, Logout, Register methods
  • Production-ready API Server - Django via DRF Library
  • Docker support for backend and the frontend
  • Free support via Github (issues tracker) and Discord

The UI is crafted on top of M-UI (ex Material-UI), the most popular components library for React. If you want to get inspiration or just show something directly to your clients, you can jump-start your development with our pre-built example pages. Every page is spaced well, with attractive layouts and pleasing shapes. Soft UI Dashboard React has everything you need to quickly set up an amazing project.

Soft UI Dashboard React is built with over 70 frontend individual elements, like buttons, inputs, navbars, nav tabs, cards, or alerts, giving you the freedom of choosing and combining.

Futuristic VR Page - Soft UI Dashboard
Django React Soft Dashboard - VR Page
Billing Page - Soft UI Dashboard
Django React Soft Dashboard - Billing Page

✨ How to use the product

This open-source product is a complete full-stack seed product that covers all layers from the UI to the database using a two-tier architecture:

  • React Frontend (Soft UI Template)
  • JWT Authentication: users can register, Sign IN, and logout
  • Django API Backend: responsible with persistence

In order to use the product, we need to build both parts: the API backend and the React Frontend. Both parts are already configured to work and communicate using compatible settings. In case you are a curious mind willing to build the product in a local environment please access the documentation link provided by the official product page.

In love with this design? Here is the link to another full-stack product that uses the same design but a different backend: React Node JS Soft Dashboard. The product has an identical two-tier architecture but is powered by a simple Express Server, SQLite persistence managed by TypeORM.

Node JS API Server - Product Banner.

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