flask Flask Blueprints vs. Django Apps Learn the main differences and similarities between Flask Blueprints and Django Apps, two powerful concepts widely used in modern web development.
django Apps in Django - Concept & Free Samples In Django, a "Django app" or "application" is a self-contained module within a Django project that provides a specific functionality or a set of related functionalities.
django Django Custom Commands Learn how to add our own commands in Django Framework - tutorial provided by AppSeed
django Django File Manager - #FREE Sample Open-source Django starter that provides an easy and intuitive way to manage the files saved in the MEDIA directory - Sources saved on GitHub.
dynamic-services Django Dynamic Services #VIDEO Learn how to generate services like API and DataTables in Django without manual coding - Sources saved on GitHub.
django Corporate, Modernize - New Open-Source Django Starters New open-source Django Starters crafted on top of pixel-perfect BS5 Designs; Modernize, Corporate UI - Sources available on GitHub.
generators Rocket Generator — Code Apps and APIs on top of Django …fast Learn how to generate APPs and APIs on top of Django, using the Rocket Generator - a new Service provided by AppSeed.
tailwind-css Soft Dashboard Tailwind CSS - Premium Django Starter Premium Django Starter crafted on top of Tailwind and Soft Dashboard Design. Features: Docker, CI/CD, and more than 30 pre-coded pages.
tailwind-css Django & Tailwind - Soft Dashboard (FREE product) An open-source starter crafted with Docker support and CI/CD on top of Django, Tailwind, and Soft Dashboard Design.
django Django Dynamic DataTables - Widget Mode (free tool) An open-source tool for developers that allows generating APIs and data tables using a minimum configuration and coding effort.
django Django - Build APIs without Coding (FREE tools only) Learn how to generate services in Django without coding - APIs, Dynamic DataTables - Free developer tools provided by AppSeed.
datta-able Django Datta PRO ⚡️Updated with Ci/Cd, Theme-able UI Premium Django starter crafted on top of Datta Able design now available with CI/CD support (via Render) and theme-able UI (usable via PIP).
black-dashboard Django Black PRO - Updated (CI/CD, Theme-able UI) This article presents the latest updates of Django Black PRO (premium starter): codebase improvements, the latest UI Kit, and Ci/CD flow via Render.
django Volt Dashboard - Codebase Update, CI/CD flow This article presents the latest updates of Django Volt (free starter): codebase improvements, the latest UI Kit, and Ci/CD flow via Render.
django Django Pixel PRO - Go LIVE ... Fast Django starter styled with Pixel PRO, a premium Bootstrap KIT from ThemeKita - Codebase provides CI/CD support via Render.
django Django Pixel PRO - Updated (Theme-able Pattern, CI/CD) Premium Django Starter updated to support theme-able design (installed via PIP) and CI/CD flow via Render.
django Material Kit PRO - Django (Updated) Django starter styled with Material Kit 2 PRO, a premium Bootstrap 5 KIT from Creative-Tim. Includes a Ci/CD deployment flow via Render.
django Go LIVE with Django .. FAST - Pixel, Soft Design, MKit (all free) Learn how to Go LIVE with Django using three open-Source kits and Render: Pixel Lite, Material Kit, Soft Design (MIT License).
django Django Soft Dashboard - New Codebase, CI/CD via Render Open-source Django project crafted on top of Soft Dashboard, an open-source Bootstrap 5 design from Creative-Tim - CI/CD support, Theme-able Design.
django Django Berry - Open-Source, Deployment-ready Starter Open-source Django project crafted on top of Berry Dashboard, an open-source Boostrap 5 design from CodedThemes - Provides authentication, CI/CD flow, and Docker Support.
material-design Django Material Design - CI, CD / Open-Source Open-source Django project crafted on top of Material Dashboard, an open-source Boostrap 5 design from Creative-Tim with database, AUTH, and Ci/CD support.
django Django Berry Dashboard - Free Product Open-source Django project crafted on top of Berry Dashboard, an open-source Boostrap 5 design from CodedThemes.
berry Django Berry Bootstrap 5 - Free Product Open-source Django project crafted on top of Berry Dashboard, an open-source Boostrap 5 design from CodedThemes, coded in Django by AppSeed.
star-admin Star Admin Modern template for Django Admin Interface coded on top of Star Admin, the iconic dashboard template - Design provided as a PyPi Library.
adminlte Django AdminLTE - PyPi Library Modern template for Django Admin Interface coded on top of AdminLTE, the iconic dashboard template - Design provided as a PyPi Library.