django Build Dynamic Services using Django | VIDEO This material explains how to build dynamic services like APIs, Data Tables, and Charts using Django and CSV files as data input.
dynamic-services Dynamic Django - API, Server-Side DataTables, and Charts without coding The latest starter shipped by AppSeed allows you to create dynamic services (APIs, DataTables, and Charts) without coding.
dynamic-services Dynamic DataTables in Django (PRO Starter) Dynamic DataTables, a simple way to manage the information using paginated views - Built with Django & AdminLTE
dynamic-services Django Dynamic Services #VIDEO Learn how to generate services like API and DataTables in Django without manual coding - Sources saved on GitHub.
django Django Dynamic DataTables - Widget Mode (free tool) An open-source tool for developers that allows generating APIs and data tables using a minimum configuration and coding effort.
django Featured Django Dynamic DataTables - Free Library Open-source library for Django that provides a powerful data table interface (paginated information) with minimum effort - VIDEO included.
django Featured Dynamic API for Django - Free PyPi Library An open-source PyPi Library that builds automatically Dynamic APIs on top of DRF with minimum effort - Released under the MIT License on Github.
developer-tools Flask Dynamic API - New Tool for Developers This tool aims to provide a secure, production-ready API via Flask-RestX using the developer's minimum amount of code.