tailwind-css Flask & Tailwind PRO Premium Seed Project crafted on top of Tailwind/Flowbite and Flask. The product comes with session-based authentication, DB tools, and Docker support.
ecommerce Rocket eCommerce A simple, yet powerful eCommerce CMS Starter, powered by Stripe, Tailwind, and Django - actively supported by AppSeed.
nextjs Next.js Tailwind/Flowbite Learn how to code a powerful and secure Fullstack project with Next, MongoDB, NextAuth, and Tailwind/Flowbite components library.
rocket-starter Rocket Django [VIDEO] A comprehensive video material for Rocket Django, the latest open-source starter provided by AppSeed - Styled with Tailwind.
django Rocket Django The new features added to Rocket Django - API, DataTables, User profile page, and users management (for superusers)
tailwind-css Tailwind & Django - Free Starter Open-source starter powered by Django and Tailwind CSS, two leading technologies for the modern web - Rocket-Django is actively supported by AppSeed.
tailwind-css Soft Dashboard Tailwind CSS - Premium Django Starter Premium Django Starter crafted on top of Tailwind and Soft Dashboard Design. Features: Docker, CI/CD, and more than 30 pre-coded pages.
tailwind-css Django & Tailwind - Soft Dashboard (FREE product) An open-source starter crafted with Docker support and CI/CD on top of Django, Tailwind, and Soft Dashboard Design.
react React, Tremor & Tailwind - Coder Stats via GitHub API Open-source Sample built with React, Tremor, and GitHub API - Source released under MIT License.
tailwind-css Tailwind CSS - Soft UI Dashboard (Content from partners) Premium Dashboard Template crafted on top of Tailwind CSS and Soft UI Design - Released by Creative-Tim.
tailwind-css Tailwind CSS Templates - Open-Source and Free A curated list with Open-Source Templates crafted on top of Tailwind CSS - Source code is available on Github (MIT License).
tailwind-css TailwindCSS - Open-Source Starters for Django & Flask Open-Source starters crafted on top of Tailwind CSS and Soft Dashboard Design in Flask and Django - Source code available on Github (MIT license).