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django Gradient Able Django Open-source Django Dashboard generated by AppSeed op top of a modern design. Gradient Able Bootstrap 4 Free/Lite Admin Template is a complete solution for your dashboard creation.
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django Django v4 / React / Docker - Open-source Project Open-source seed project that uses a beautiful React design powered by a simple Django API server. Sources are available on Github (MIT License).
django DashboardKit - Open-Source Django Template A simple dashboard seed project crafted on top of Bootstrap 5 and Django 4 (the latest version). The product can be downloaded from Github under the MIT license.
django Dashboard Volt - Free Django 4 Template A popular dashboard seed project recently updated to Django 4 (the latest version). The product can be downloaded from Github under the MIT license.
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django Django Material Dashboard - Free BS5 Starter Open-source Django Dashboard generated by AppSeed on top of a modern Bootstrap 5 design - The product can be downloaded from Github.
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django Soft UI Dashboard - Start Fast In Django Simple Django Starter crafted on top of Soft UI Dashboard, an open-source Bootstrap 5 design from Creative-Tim.
coreui CoreUI Django Open-source Django Dashboard generated by AppSeed op top of CoreUI, an iconic open-source material-based design.
django Django Azia Dashboard - Start Fast in Django Open-source Django project crafted with basic modules, authentication, and Docker scripts on top of Azia Admin, a modern design from BootstrapDash.
cookiecutter Cookie-Cutter in action - For Flask & Django A curated list with open-source projects generated in Flask and Django using Cookie-Cutter, the popular command-line tool.
django Django Star Admin Open-source Django dashboard crafted on top of Star Admin 2, a modern design crafted by BootstrapDash - Product can be downloaded from Github (MIT License).