nextjs The Best Next.JS Starters - 2023 Curated List A curated list with open-source and commercial Next.JS starters and Templates - content provided by AppSeed.
django Django Custom Commands Learn how to add our own commands in Django Framework - tutorial provided by AppSeed
bash Bash, the magic that empowers the Cloud Bash, a popular command-line shell and scripting language used in Unix-like operating systems - Short Intro & related tools
react Form handling in React : the correct way Learn how to handle Forms in React, using a production-ready approach.
website-builder Free Website Builder - Simpllo An open-source website builder made with VanillaJS and Bootstrap 5 Components - actively supported by AppSeed.
site-builder Open-Source Drag & Drop Builder Open-Source visual tools built with VanillaJS that allow to code websites, landing pages and forms with ease - provided by AppSeed.
django Django File Manager - #FREE Sample Open-source Django starter that provides an easy and intuitive way to manage the files saved in the MEDIA directory - Sources saved on GitHub.
dynamic-services Django Dynamic Services #VIDEO Learn how to generate services like API and DataTables in Django without manual coding - Sources saved on GitHub.
react Introduction to React Components Get started with React and learn how to use components: create, reuse, unmount - an article by Kolawole Mangaboo
argon-dashboard Flask Argon BS5 PRO The latest Flask Starter crafted on top of Argon BS Design with Docker support, CI/CD Scripts and a fully-fledged authentication system.
flask Flask VOLT Pro #Updated Premium Flask starter crafted on top of Volt Design, updated with CI/CD scripts, improved Docker support an other UI/UX enhancements.
react React HORIZON Pro #Updated Premium Full-Stack seed project crafted on top of Chakra UI and React. The product comes with a simple JWT authentication flow: login/register/logout powered by an open-source Node JS API Backend.
django-docker Django, Hot Reload in Docker (VIDEO) The sample mentioned in this article provides a HOT Reload in Docker when the Django code is updated or the templates.
newsletter Weekly Newsletter #22 Weekly #22 Highlights - Rocket Generator is LIVE, new Django products (Corporate, Modernize), updates (Django tabler), and more.
generators Rocket Generator - Tabler (new design) This article presents the latest features provided by the Rocket Generator, a free service crafted by AppSeed - Tabler UI is now integrated into the service.
app-generator Rocket Generator is LIVE - Build Django Starters with Ease Choose your favorite design, customize and generate Apps and APIs on top of Django, a leading Python framework.
django Corporate, Modernize - New Open-Source Django Starters New open-source Django Starters crafted on top of pixel-perfect BS5 Designs; Modernize, Corporate UI - Sources available on GitHub.
generators Rocket Generator — Code Apps and APIs on top of Django …fast Learn how to generate APPs and APIs on top of Django, using the Rocket Generator - a new Service provided by AppSeed.
django-react How to Integrate Django with React (With Sample) Learn how to integrate Django with React and use the full power from both frameworks - Free sample included.
chakra-ui Chakra UI and Next JS - Getting Started by coding a Sample In this tutorial, you'll learn how to build a modern landing page using Next.js 12 and the Chakra UI library - Free Sample Included.
tailwind-css Soft Dashboard Tailwind CSS - Premium Django Starter Premium Django Starter crafted on top of Tailwind and Soft Dashboard Design. Features: Docker, CI/CD, and more than 30 pre-coded pages.
tailwind-css Django & Tailwind - Soft Dashboard (FREE product) An open-source starter crafted with Docker support and CI/CD on top of Django, Tailwind, and Soft Dashboard Design.
promo Spring Campaign - Creative-Tim An amazing offer from Creative-Tim for developers and designers - Spring Offer 2023.
django Django Dynamic DataTables - Widget Mode (free tool) An open-source tool for developers that allows generating APIs and data tables using a minimum configuration and coding effort.
seo SEO for Beginners Consolidate your SEO knowledge with this tutorial that covers all related SEO topics in deep: Black Hat, On-Page SEO, Local-SEO, and more.