cookiecutter Django Cookie-Cutter - Material Dashboard Learn how to use an open-source tool to generate a development-ready Django Dashboard crafted with a database, authentication, and Docker support.
datta-able Datta Able Django - A colorful Free Dashboard Open-source seed project crafted in Django on top of a colorful Bootstrap 4 design from CodedThemes. The product can be downloaded directly from Github.
material-design Material Dashboard - Open-Source Django Project Open-source Seed project crafted in Django on top of a modern Bootstrap 5 design from Creative-Tim - Material Dashboard Django.
react React Django - Soft Dashboard (Free Product) Open-source full-stack product crafted on top of Soft UI Dashboard, a modern design from Creative-Tim using React and Django as the backend framework.
django Free Django Dashboard - MaterialPRO Lite Open-source Django Dashboard crafted by AppSeed on top of a pixel-perfect Material-Based design. Django MaterialPro Lite can be downloaded from Github, without a registration lock.
django Free Django Dashboard - Atlantis Dark Open-source Seed Project crafted by AppSeed on top of a lightweight dark-themed design: Atlantis Lite. The product is available for download from Github under the MIT License.
django Django CoreUI - Product Update Django CoreUI, a popular open-source seed project has been updated to use the latest Django version plus improved Docker Scripts. The product can be downloaded from Github (MIT License).
django-admin-template Django Admin Template - Volt Bootstrap 5 Open-source Django Admin Template for styling the default Admin Section: Django Dashboard Volt can be downloaded and used as a package via PyPi.
django Django & Docker - Open-source Projects A curated list with Open-source projects crafted in Django and configured to work with Docker. All projects are published on Github (MIT License).
adminlte AdminLTE - Open-Source Django Starter Open-source seed project crafted in Django (latest version) and AdminLTE, an iconic open-source dashboard template. The product can be downloaded from Github under the MIT License.
django Django Website Templates - Free Download A curated list with Django Website Templates completely Free for Download. All projects are actively supported and the article provides the download link for each product.
django Django Dashboard - Black Design (updated) Open-source Django Dashboard provided on top of a modern dark-themed design: Black Dashboard. - features: latest Django version, Docker, authentication, MIT License.
django Django Website Template Free Open-source and Free Django Website Template crafted on top of Pixel Lite, a modern Bootstrap 5 design. The product is released under the MIT License.
datta-able Datta Able - Built with Django 3.2.6 LTS Datta Able is a popular open-source seed project crafted on top of a colorful dashboard design and Django (latest version). The product can be downloaded from Github (no account required).
django Django Soft UI - Bootstrap 5 and Django 3.2.6 LTS A modern Django Dashboard crafted on top of Soft UI, a modern Bootstrap 5 design from Creative-Tim. Features: authentication, simple codebase, Docker scripts.
cookiecutter Django Cookie-Cutter - Simple Theme-able Generator A simple way to build Django projects using less manual work: Django Cookie-Cutter, a theme-able tool provided by AppSeed.
react Django React Boilerplate - With Free Samples Learn how to bundle Django and React and code a full-stack boilerplate using this modern stack - with free samples.
django Django React - Fullstack Starters A curated list with fullstack starters crafted by AppSeed in Django and React on top of modern UI kits - the list contains also open-source starters.
api-server API Servers - New products released by AppSeed A curated list with REST Servers provided by AppSeed using a unified API interface across multiple frameworks: Django, Flask, Node JS, FastAPI.
django Django Pixel Pro - Premium Bootstrap 5 Design (Updated) Pixel PRO, a premium Bootstrap 5 design from Themesberg, now available in Django with basic modules, database, authentication and deploy scripts.
django Django Volt Dashboard PRO - Product Update Django Volt PRO, a popular seed project crafted by AppSeed is now updated to use the latest UI version.
soft-ui-design-system New Products - Soft UI Dashboard PRO for Flask and Django Soft UI Dashboard PRO, a modern Bootstrap 5 design crafted by Creative-Tim, now available for download in Flask and Django (open-source version available).
django Django For Beginners - Docs Tutorial Learn how to code a super simple Django project - a soft introduction in Django for beginners.
django Django Routing - Learn Django by Coding A soft introduction to Django Routing System for beginners - Free Sample provided on Github.
soft-ui-design-system Soft UI Dashboard - Free Django Template Open-source Django template built with basic modules, database, and deployment scripts on top of Soft UI Dashboard, a modern Bootstrap 5 design from Creative-Tim.